Imagine this scenario, you finally saved up enough money for the newest game. Your excited and full of glee. You get in your car or parents car and head to the nearest video game retailer. You get there and buy the game you want and patiently wait until you get home to tear that plastic off like they were clothes of a women(or man whatever suits you). You finally got the plastic off and your about to open the game box knowing your about to go on a journey. This my friends, is the excitement of getting a new physical copy of a video game. I cant remember how many times i was excited to open a game case up and looking at the pamphlet, box art, and anything else secret the developers tried to hide. With the rise of digital downloaded games, the reality that going to get a physical copy of a game is slowly thinning. Why do we even like getting physical copy's of video games anyway? For me it has always been more of a reward when you look a your game collection with your own eyes, seeing how you built of a collection of games good and bad. Its also a visually sign of passion for games. The fact that you took the time and patience to drive all the way to a retailer, waited in line, payed to cashier, and driving all the way back home. While ordering games online still always you to obtain a hard copy of your game there is still a joy to see other people who share the same passion of getting the physical case for video games. Digital download's are seen as the future because its easier for the consumer to just buy with a credit card and have their game download to their system. While this seems great(and it is) there are a few things to remember. 1. Its nearly impossible to let a friend borrow a game because its installed  to your system. 2. A lot of gamers don't have the bandwidth to download games to their system. Steam was built on this format of digital downloads. I personally just love buying my games physical because of the experience to get them and the fact I can kind of show of my collection of games. I will fear the day when you can no longer buy physical disk, but accept the day when digital downloads become the norm.

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    Maurice R

    Just please remember these blogs are based on my opinion and background. You can completely disagree just be respectful about it.


    March 2013


    Video Games