Video Game graphics constantly get more and more advanced as the generations go by, allowing for a more sense of realism and interaction into big major AAA games. From the start video game graphics weren't so much judged on how real they looked, but on the creativity of the character, items, and environment. Video Games like the early mario game were praised in their design of the levels and enemy's That mindset should still be relevant today when it comes to video game graphics. One of the great debate's in the video game community is whether graphics matter for a game to be good. On the one side you have people who will not even play a game or they'll believe the game will fail because it doesn't look super duper high-definition. The other side believes that graphics aren't what make a game great. Both sides are actually are true in a sense. For a video game to be successful basically ever single aspect of the game has to be as close to perfect as possible. The graphics are the visual component of a video game that express the style and emotion of the game. If a game has a realistic setting with realistic graphics then the game play should compliment the graphics. The same idea goes for games with less unrealistic graphics. Games like Mario, Zelda, and basically every single Nintendo game go for their own unique look and end up becoming fantastic games. Now Nintendo's games might not always look super real and fantastic like lets say Crysis, but, when a game immediately looks different, art style wise, gamers will flock to it wondering whether or not the game will be good. Many gamers today are tired of the same variation of light brown and dark brown that many popular games today seem to have. A interesting example that shows how a games graphics effects the consumers view on the product is the game, Over Strike( which is now called Fuse) by Insomniac Games. Over-strike started as a semi-cartonish 3rd person shooter with a hilarious vibe. Then Insomniac decided to go for a more realistic approach to the game and changed the game name to FUSE. The response was negative and many gamers were disappointed when they changed the art style because it become bland and plain in their eyes. Even though unique and impressive graphics can either pull the gamer in or out of the world the developers have made having a game that looks unique is an important aspect in making a game stand out and successful. 

P.S: First time blogging so any advice is well appreciated just be respectful about it and think before you comment. Were all here to help each other out :)


    Maurice R

    Just please remember these blogs are based on my opinion and background. You can completely disagree just be respectful about it.


    March 2013


    Video Games